Tori Starling, CHHP, is a holistic health practitioner, Documenting Hope health coach, NES Health bioenergetics practitioner, and author. She is the founder of Simply Holistic Solutions, which provides holistic education & support for childhood apraxia of speech. She is the author of the novel Crazy Free and the non-fiction book Voice of Truth: A Mother’s Journey to Help Her Son Heal from Apraxia of Speech.
Her journey began twelve years ago when she used natural health strategies to help her youngest son transition out of apraxia of speech, eczema, and multiple food allergies. At this time, she created the blog Jake’s Journey with Apraxia, which ran with the help of 19 other contributing writers for almost five years. As her son's health improved, she began to formally study natural health and energy medicine.
Her early career in 1996-2007 as a trainer in the Telecommunications field has given her a unique perspective to today’s technology craze. She especially enjoys learning about artificial EMFs and blue light, and how to interact with them in the healthiest way possible. Being a member of Quantum Biology Collective allows her to stay up-to-date on the latest research.
She is passionate about reversing and preventing the chronic health conditions that today's children face.
Holistic Health Practitioner + Natural Health Professional - Trinity School of Natural Health (Naturopathy-style coursework)
Documenting Hope Health Coach
Certified NES Health Bioenergetic Practitioner
Circadian Biology 1 & 2
Carrie B. Wellness Practitioner Mentorship
Reiki 1 & 2
Eden Energy 101 & 102
Allergy Release Technique (A.R.T.)
Bachelor of Journalism -- UGA (1996)
American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners
Epidemic Answers Healing Together Community
Quantum Biology Collective
Living Quantum-ly Practitioner Support Group
The Philosophy Behind My Approach
The mind, body, and spirit must be in balance for optimal health.
The philosophy of holistic health views the body as a puzzle and analyzes all of the pieces in order to achieve optimal health.
Children are our future. We have the technology, knowledge, and resources available for them to thrive. There was a time not so long ago that children were well more than they were sick.
Our "labeled" children are here to create change for a better future. They are the canaries in the coal mine. We need to listen to them instead of silencing them.
My goal is to strengthen a child's weaknesses so they can live their best life, while simultaneously preserving their uniqueness.
Quantum biology is the study of the body at the subatomic level -- cells, mitochondria, and electrons. I continue to learn everyday about this as it is the true foundation of health.
"Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." -- Einstein
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to health. What may be a huge trigger for one person may not be for another.
Wellness is not always a quick fix. But if you give the body the correct inputs, nature is designed to work for you instead of against you.
A positive mindset is a key component in the healing process.
I can't do the work for you or promise a quick cure. I will give you tools and coaching to boost your child's speech potential.